DIY · Ephemera

Vintage Perpetual Calendar – Free Printable

I love printables just as much as the next guy, and I’m always looking for inspiration. Google used to be my religion, I think I have converted to Pinterest!!

Here is a fabulous French Perpetual Calendar I found, posted by pillpat on Flickr, she has thousands of french pieces available from the public domain:

Wings of Whimsy: Vintage Perpetual Calendar - French Original - free for personal usealendar_WingsofWhimsyΒ Wings of Whimsy: Vintage Perpetual Calendar - French Original - free for personal use

I could not resist cleaning it up (above version), and using the template for a “Queen At Home” version of my own:

Wings of Whimsy: Vintage Style Perpetual Calendar - Queen At Home Version - free for personal use

Wings of Whimsy: Vintage Style Perpetual Calendar - English Green - free for personal use Wings of Whimsy: Vintage Style Perpetual Calendar - English PINK - free for personal use Wings of Whimsy: Vintage Style Perpetual Calendar - French GREEN - free for personal use Wings of Whimsy: Vintage Style Perpetual Calendar - French PINK - free for personal use

To make sure everyone is happy, I decided to make both pink and green versions, and both in French and English! So grab your favorite combination, print, cut, fold and glue, and have the most adorable little desktop calendar in mere minutes! I have a French one in the kitchen, next to our breakfast table, thinking the girls and I can use it to learn weekdays and months in French πŸ™‚

Wings of Whimsy: Perpetual Calendars Wings of Whimsy: Perpetual Calendar Back Side

These files are free for your personal use and enjoyment πŸ™‚


PS Do you love the “Queen At Home” style? Go to the previous post to download the seamless tiles and 5 different free printable papers πŸ˜‰Β 

22 thoughts on “Vintage Perpetual Calendar – Free Printable

  1. Thank you very much for the vintage calendar, to download. It is very nice, and I’ll enjoy having it on my desk. I found your blog on pinterest.

      1. Wow – thats sooooooooooo nice from you β™₯! Pink would be perfect for me – thanks a lot in advance dear Gunnvor β™₯

  2. You’re the best Gunnvor!!! Thanks so much for your work β™₯

    Hugs from Switzerland, Claudia

  3. This is really cute! I just did a practice one on regular computer paper. I kind of messed up the the little part that holds the date…the rose one doesn’t have little cut lines for that part, so I wasn’t sure where to clip the sides. Are you supposed to do it on card stock? So CUTE! πŸ™‚

    1. Hello Hunny πŸ™‚

      I recommend printing these on cardstock, I think the paper I used in the pictures are 130g, but if I were to make more now, I’d go for even thicker paper. The wear causes the backing easel to cave after a while if the paper is too thin…:-P

      As for the guidelines, I did simplify them on my Queen at Home design, look for the tiny fleur-de-lis for a guide on where to attach it πŸ˜‰ Lines are where you cut, fleur-de-lis dots are where you fold or attach. I hope you can make it work πŸ™‚ xoxoxo

    1. I’m sorry, I only have made the versions available here. I could consider making another version, if you tell me a bit more what you need? When you say black outline, do you mean like a clear template? xoxoxo

      1. Yes, I do activities with some girls at church and we always make a calendar in January. I would like to use this template and copy it onto some cute scrapbook card stock paper. They always come up with some crazy color combinations!!

      2. Ok, here’s what I can do: I can create the sheet with the calendar itself as a template for you to copy onto any paper, provided you can use the number sheets “as is”? Please let me know if this will work for you? xoxoxo

  4. Hello! I like your post … I do not understand where to cut or fold the paper to change the numbers and days, on your blog where I find the guide to do so? Thanks I’m from Mexico and I found you on Pinterest

    1. Hello Lilz πŸ™‚ Cut out all the individual pieces, and then stack them into the small pocket created in the front of the calendar πŸ™‚ The Day-pieces are the longest, and go in the back, the dates are the medium size and go in the middle, while the months are the shortest pieces and go in the front. To use the calendar you have to keep moving the pieces around in the pocket from day to day πŸ˜‰ xoxoxo

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