
1910 Cherub Flowers – free printable

I think we need more vintage Valentine Cherubs! So I whipped up another batch for you this morning πŸ™‚ These are a little different, with the deeper colors, I love it! I must say I can identify rose and tulip, but what are the blue flowers??? PLEASE HELP! Please post a comment if you know (or think you know) what blue flowers are depicted.

Wings of Whimsy: Cherub Flowers Collage Sheet - free for personal use #vintage #valentine #ephemera #printable #freebie

And here are the individual cards:

Wings of Whimsy: Cherub Flowers - free for personal use #vintage #valentine #ephemera #printable #freebieWings of Whimsy: Cherub Flowers - free for personal use #vintage #valentine #ephemera #printable #freebieWings of Whimsy: Cherub Flowers - free for personal use #vintage #valentine #ephemera #printable #freebieWings of Whimsy: Cherub Flowers - free for personal use #vintage #valentine #ephemera #printable #freebie

These files are free for your personal use and enjoyment. Go to the download folder below to grab a copy of the printable collage sheet:

Download Printable

I am also providing the individual cards in 600 dpi for my Followers in the Exclusive download folder. If you are a follower and don’t know how to get access to the Exclusive download folder, please post a comment below and I will get back to you.

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19 thoughts on “1910 Cherub Flowers – free printable

  1. Thelast blue flower is definitely an Iris in Danish, but IΒ΄m pretty sure, itΒ΄s also called an Iris in English as well, but sure someone can correct me, if IΒ΄m wrong? But it IS an iris, IΒ΄ve had loads of these in my garden and always loved the blue one here, itΒ΄s absolutely gorgeous. Thanks sooo much for these Gunvor.

    1. Forgot to saty, that I more think the first one is a chrysanthemum, as the big flower and the leaves doesnΒ΄t look like a corn flower to me, IΒ΄m afraid.

      1. I’ve now been looking at lots of cornflowers and chrysanthemums, and I’m still puzzled by this one….:-P The buds look like cornflowers, the big flower like chrysanthemum, but the leaves like neither…? I also think it is likely that the flower was fairly popular in 1910, as the artists often depicted the most popular styles of the time… any chance it could be carnations? They were one of the popular flowers…

    1. Hello Ingeborg πŸ™‚
      Aster seems to be a good suggesion too! I can find images where both the flower and the buds match. But I can’t find images with these leaves? The leaves seem familiar to me, like something from my grandmothers garden, but I’m no flower expert πŸ˜›

      1. Hi Gunnvor Karita! The leaves are like the ones from pansies, so I think that must be them you find so familiar looking maybe? The leaves of the aster are often of this shape in a young stage or with some types I believe, but i’m not 100% sure πŸ˜€

      2. I think you are right about the Pansies, my grandmother always had lots of those in the garden. I regret not paying better attention to her gardening! She had amazing flower beds, and all sorts of tricks to combine, fertilize and groom them! I still remember going with her to a neighbor who had a horse, to dig out 2 year old horse manure, she claimed that was the only certain fertilizer for her most fragile flowers. See: I did pick up something… however a little useless, where would I get myself some decent, 2 year old horse manure these days…lol!!

  2. I’m a new follower and, therefore, do not know how to get the “exclusive” download. As for the second flower, maybe clematis? The fourth is definitely an iris.

    1. Hello Arline πŸ™‚ I do not have your email address registered as a follower. If you are following with a WordPress-account, please let me know your WordPress nick name? The easiest way may be to fill in the form on my post from January 6th.
      I googled Clematis and I agree the 2nd flower could be Clematis, but again the buds don’t look the same, and I’m also not sure about the leaves… quite a puzzle this one! πŸ™‚

  3. Love all those flowers..a new follower and dont know how to download the pictures and how do i get them printed. New in this hobby…thanks.

    1. Click on the picture you want, to go to the download folder. I’m gathering all my Valentine stuff in one folder, so it will contain the accumulated files of Valentine posts so far πŸ™‚

      From the folder click on the image you want, and it will blow up big on your screen, in a black viewer. Click the arrow in the bottom right corner of that viewer to download the file. πŸ™‚

      You can also print it directly from that viewer, if you don’t want to download it πŸ™‚

      If you decide to download it, you have to find the file on your computer. Computers are set up differently, so I can’t tell you exactly where you will find your download files, but luckily most computers store files like these by default to a folder named “Download”. If you can’t locate that folder and the file on your computer, may I suggest you ask a friend to help you look, as this is fairly basic to show, but more difficult to explain when not in front of your computer.

      Computers are also set up differently on how they will let you view and print your images (my printables are usually jpg or png files = images), so I’m not going to try to guess how yours will work…:-P

      I’m very sorry not to be able to explain what to do on your end, but I can only know how for certain how to make my files available to you.

      Hope you can figure it out!

      Gunnvor Karita πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you for another good suggestion πŸ™‚

      I’ve been googling Dahlia for over an hour, and I really wish I was more of a flower expert! The flower and the leaves seem to be matching to some of the Dahlias I have seen, but then the buds look different… I am still not convinced either way…lol

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